MINISTER’S NOTE                                19 JANUARY 2025






It is that time of the year again, when we renew the covenant God has
made with us. This covenant renewal is an opportunity
to recommit ourselves to God’s purpose
and embrace the abundant life Christ offers.
Grace is at the heart of our relationship with God. It reminds us that
no matter our past failures, shortcomings, or doubts,
God’s love never fails. His mercies are new every morning,
inviting us to rise and walk in His light. Through grace,
we are empowered to live as His people, embodying
love, justice, and mercy in our daily lives.
As you prepare your heart for this sacred moment, I invite
you to spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal the
areas where His grace is calling you to deeper trust, renewed
commitment, and greater faithfulness. Reflect on
the ways God has already blessed you and consider
how you might extend His grace to others.
Together, as a community of faith, let us enter this season
with humility and gratitude, ready to receive God’s
abundant grace and to be transformed by it. May this
covenant renewal be a time of spiritual awakening, unity,
and renewed purpose as we seek to live fully for
God’s glory.
Grace and peace to you all,

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